My one focus

My one focus is to make places feel like a sanctuaries — havens that feels like Heaven on Earth. These places must be imbued with visceral energy that simultaneously restores and inspires while relaxing and awakening our senses. Sanctuaries are places that evoke a deep, palpable feeling of being at home within ourselves. Something inside us comes back to center. We feel less fragmented. More whole. We are able to feel goodness, beauty and truth in very fabric of our being. We appreciate those qualities in those around us. We are able to be real and heal our wounds… which makes life rich and meaningful. We become available to greater love and unbridled passion… which makes life worth living.

For thousands of years, people have made places feel like sanctuaries with inspired artworks. For more than five decades I have been honing, refining, and embodying my ability serve this one focus.


Artworks that matter for people who want to live close to the throb they feel in their chest.

 Spar Street’s artworks are devoted to serving the awakening of great love and unbridled passion. Each painting and sculpture is an open invitation to stop, inquire, and come alive in the recognition of what is good, true and beautiful at the core of your being.

Inspiration for those who aspire to live with great passion and presence.

“You have made my home an extension of my soul.”


“Brilliant. You’re artworks are irresistibly compelling. I love them all.”


“Your paintings take us into the stillness, which is power, which is love.”


“Your artworks have something in them that resonate with my soul.”


Artworks that matter for people who value true love over nice love

— brave love that savors the real and the raw, wholehearted love that honors the vulnerable and the authentic, bold love that supports your continual journey of waking up, liberating love that frees you from encumbrances and inhibitions, and wild love that takes you to the very heart of vibrant aliveness and the unbridled passion born out of that.

Artworks that matter for people who know they will die, so they make precious this chance to be brave hearted, wild hearted, open hearted, and whole-hearted.

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